STEM Success Center

The STEM Success Center provides academic support to students taking courses in nearly all areas of science and math. Starting in January 2024, the STEM Success Center will be located on the 2nd floor of the Lindley Center for STEM Education.
For Fall 2024, students can receive tutorial and supplemental instruction assistance from faculty and peers in the following locations:
Formerly the Math Lab, Now the STEM Success Center!
Located in Lindley Hall 231
Tutoring Schedule:
The STEM Success Center is a drop-in math tutoring center and computer lab with a variety of mathematics software for students to use. Other software includes science programs (including chemistry, biology, and physics) and word processing. The Lab is open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 8pm and Friday 9am to 3pm and is staffed with Lab Instructors and Lab Assistants to answer mathematics questions. Lab Instructors and Lab Assistants are there to answer computer and mathematics questions. All math levels (Algebra, Math 15, Math 10 through Math 6) are addressed.
Tutorial Center
Located on the first floor of Doyle Library
Tutorial Schedule:
The Tutorial Center provides academic support for multiple subjects in and outside of STEM. For Fall 2023, tutoring is available in Biology and Math in the first floor of Doyle. (Drop-in tutoring in Anatomy, Microbiology, and Physiology is also available online. Please see the Tutorial Center website for more details).